We're ready to help

Our cloud experts can answer your questions and provide a free assessment.

a meeting

Transparency & Control

View reports, create custom alerts, and pull actionable data

Multi-Cloud Single Pane of Glass

Logicworks customer portal is a single pane of glass to monitor, alert, and prevent potential risks across cloud platforms and ISV tools, and provides insights into the health of your overall cloud operations, security governance, and FinOps.

Scan your cloud for unusual activity, red flags

Get real-time alerts for vulnerabilities, changes

File and track tickets with Logicworks NOC

Optimize costs, get real-time cost alerts

“With Logicworks’ help, we feel confident our cloud environment is cost-effective, highly available and secure.”

Alex Gorelick, Janus Capital

Real-Time Cloud Management Portal

Logicworks customer portal allows customers to gain insights into their cloud operations, verify how things are running from a security, operations, and cost perspective, and interact with their team at Logicworks via customized alerting and notification and our JIRA collaboration suite.

Get a Demo of the Logicworks Portal