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Industry Trends
10 Aug, 2015
Accelerate Your Career with an AWS Cloud Education
Featured in TechTarget’s SearchAWS As AWS continues to dominate the public cloud industry, it has become increasingly valuable for engineers working in AWS to earn.
Industry Trends
31 Jul, 2015
Why Your Engineers Should Be Cloud Certified
The IT industry is filled with thousands of new cloud engineers and new cloud companies. While this makes the cloud industry an exciting place to.
Industry Trends
10 Jun, 2015
Orchestration Software: Does Hardware Matter Anymore?
In IT infrastructure departments, hardware matters less every day. Today, engineers can make commoditized infrastructure (“the cloud”) more secure, agile, and cost-effective with software than.
Industry Trends
23 Jul, 2014
AWS & Security – Thoughts from AWS Summit New York
Every year, the AWS Summits and re:Invent get bigger (and broader – AWS lists 15 cities for AWS Summits in 2014 on their website). In his keynote.